Monday, February 27, 2012

The Search Begins

Time to go shopping!  You are now pre-approved and ready to start the search for your new home.  Armed with the information you gave me during our first meetings you can select which homes you wish to look at.  Iwill also have recommendations for you based on properties that I have scouted for you and think you may find interesting.  You can find homes online at my website
We will set up times to visit the homes you like and I will gladly drive you to and from the properties you wish to view.
Over time, it is easy to forget details about a given home depending on how many homes we visit and how long your search takes.  After a while, properties can all run together in your mind.  Because of this, I think that it is important for you to take notes about each home.  In addition, the camera on your phone can come in handy as a tool to help you remember key things you want to recall or ask about later. 
As your search continues, we will regularly reference the homes you see to the “Wants & Needs” list that you filled outduring our first meeting.  When you find a few homes that you are bouncing between we will discuss them in more detail and attempt to narrow down the field.  Finally, it is time for you to select the best property and make anoffer.
Check back next week for the nuts and bolts of making anoffer on a home.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Taking Care of the Money

Money.   You need to have it to buy a house and showing that you have it is essential in getting the attention of the seller if you decide to make an offer on their home.
Part two in the buying process is all about  morgtage application.  This can be a confusing and somewhat stressful topic (especiallyfor new homebuyers) to tackle on their own.  I find that having a discussion about what your financing needs are is really helpful.  Together we can discuss borrowing options that may be best for you.  If needed, I know some reputable Loan Officers who would be happy to help you with any of your financing needs.
Do your homework early and get your finances lined up priorto shopping for your new home.  Having a pre-approval letter in hand when making an offer shows that you are a serious buyer and are motivated to purchase. In addition, knowing what you can realistically afford before you start your search will keep you focused on homes in your price range and not waste your time on ones that are not.   
In addition to being pre-approved for a mortgage, you will also need enough cash on hand for your Earnest Money Deposit (also known as a GoodFaith Deposit). The amount varies by community and can be as little as $500, butis typically 1% to 2% of the offer price and could be more depending on the situation. Like the pre-approval letter, earnest money shows intent, which is important to the seller.   If the seller accepts your offer, your earnest money will be deposited into the Listing Broker’s trust account and will be applied toward the purchase price of the home on closing day.  If the seller does not accept your offer then your earnest money is returned to you. When the Purchase Agreement is fully executed by all parties to the transaction, it becomes alegally binding contract. At this point, if you recant your offer for no valid reason, in most cases, the seller is allowed to keep your earnest money.