Monday, March 26, 2012

The Pre –Closing Walk Through and the CLOSING

The big day is here!  It’s time to close on your new home.  Only a few items left to do…
Paperwork first.  A couple of days prior to closing we will do a document review.  You will see documents which show an itemized report of your closing costs.  The report will also show what cash you will be required to bring with you to the closing.  It is best and generally required to bring these payments to the closing in the form of a cashier’s check.
In the day or hours before your closing we will do a final walk through of the property.  This is the time to make sure that any agreed work has been completed to your satisfaction.   You will also want to make sure if you had arranged for any personal property to be included with the sale is left in the home…things like window treatments, appliances, furniture,etc.   Finally, we will make sure that there are no last minute surprises or problems with the property.
The last step in the process is the actual closing.  It usually takes about an hour.  Get ready to sign, sign, sign! Congratulations!!!  You are a new homeowner!  Time to move in!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Quick Weekend Projects to do This Spring

Spring is upon us earlier than usual this year.  Keeping up on home maintenance projects can be easy if you do a few every weekend or anytime you find yourself with a few moments to spare.

A few projects that take no time at all are:
  • Replace the filter in your furnace - you will be all set next year when you flip the switch the heat to "on"
  • Have a humidifier?  Switch it to the "summer" setting.
  • Uncover your A/C unit.  Consider having a check up now before the first hot days arrive.  Not only will you be sure you will be cool during the sweltering days of summer but you will also likely be serviced faster in the spring when technicians are not as busy
  • Clean up your grill.  Wash the outside with  warm, soapy water and brush grates with a wire brush.  If you use propane, check your levels and consider getting a back-up tank so you don't run out of gas while you are in the middle of grilling you summer favorites.
  • Swap out snow shovels for rakes, spades, and clippers.  Lawn mowers move in place of the snow blower.
  • Do you plan to mulch this spring?  Consider buying your mulch early and setting it aside for the sunny day that you have the time and energy to tackle the project.  Not only will you be ready to go when that day comes but likely you will have a wide selection to choose from before the masses hit the Garden Centers. 
  • If you use a lawn service, contact them to go over your spring/ summer needs.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Waiting and Preparing for Closing

Now the wait to move begins!  Don’t worry; there is still plenty to do.  This is the time to secure your Home Owners Insurance. Most insurance companies require you to pay your first year in advance so you will want to be prepared for that.
You can also get started calling utility companies to let them know you will be moving and begin setting up new accounts.  Many communities offer at least two choices for major utilities like cable/ internet providers and trash collectors.  Use your time to shop around and make a decision on vendors who are right for you and your budget.  Also, think about other services you may require like lawn services and cleaning services. Consider researching retailers like dry cleaners, grocery stores, drug stores, gyms, and other frequently used services.  Taking the time to get to know your new community before arriving will allow you to settle in more quickly.
Start packing!  If possible, doing a little each day is easier than all at once.  Start packing items you seldom use first.  Now is agreat time to purge a bit and decide if you really want to move an item to your new home.  You may consider donating unwanted items to Charity. Otherwise, you can have a separate set of boxes where you can put items for a future garage/movingsale. 
Order your moving van.  Will you be using a major freight company or doing it yourself?  Get quotes, find out deadlines, and read the fine print.  Make a decision that suits your situation best.
By this point, you will be excited to make the move into your new home.  Be patient!  The day will be here before you know it.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Home Inspection and Waiting to Close

After the final acceptance of the Purchase Agreement is complete it’s time to schedule the home inspection.  I recommend that weare both in attendance for the entire inspection process.  It usually takes 3-4 hours and is well worth the time to insure that the purchase you are making is a sound one. The cost of the inspection is paid by you directly to the inspector on the day of the inspection. This fee is non refundable weather you move forward with the purchase of the home or choose to walk away based on theinspector’s findings.   
A home inspection is not required but highly recommended. Think of it as cheap insurance. Home inspections should be done using an experienced and certified home inspector.  If the inspector finds something of concern it can be discussed with the inspector and a determination can be made if the issue can be remedied or not.  After the inspection you can negotiate remedies to any issues with the sellers and their agent.  For instance a small examplemay be that you find a window that is broken.  You can negotiate that the window be replaced prior to closing. A bigger example would be a cracked foundation or a mold issue.  If the problem is so large or too costly to address, you can cancel your offer without a monetary penalty to you.  The seller can also agree to remedy all issues found during the inspection. Once completed to your satisfaction the inspection contingency is removed and the process moves forward.
My next post in this series will talk about all the things you can be doing while you wait to close.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dreaming of Spring?

Usually around this time of year we are dreaming of warmer and greener days ahead.  We still have a bit of winter left but that does not mean you can't get ready for getting your garden on.

Homes in the West Metro like Minnetonka, Wayzata, Deephaven, and Eden Prairie are in close proximity to the University of Minnesota's Landscape Arboretum.  Aside from offering vast and stunning landscapes all year long the Arboretum also offers many events and classes to help gardeners of all skill levels.  This weekend, March 9-11, there will be a 3 day Spring Expo which will offer seminars on a large variety of gardening curiosities, tips, and secrets.

Visit their website today for more information and to sign up

Monday, March 5, 2012

Offers and Purchase Agreements

You found the home you want to buy.  Now what?
Time to make an offer!  Ultimately, what you wish to offer is entirely up to you, the buyer.  With that said, we will have a discussion that will help you come up with the number you wish to submit to the seller.  Of course, we will take a look at the asking price.  In addition, I will look at like kind comparable homes that have recently sold in the same community.  By looking at the sold prices as well as the positives and negatives of the comparable properties we can determine fair market value and choose your offer amount accordingly. You will also be able to request the date you wish to close on thehome.
After the offer is made, the seller will accept the offer, decline the offer, or come back to the table with a counter offer. This is the time that details are negotiated with the sellers and their agents.  For instance, do you want them to include the washer and dryer or finish an improvement project that is not quite done yet?
Once all details are ironed out the final acceptance of the Purchase Agreement is signed.  The next step is arranging for a home inspection…more on that in my next post.