Monday, October 15, 2012

A Tidy Kitchen

You know the drill...bathrooms and kitchens sell a home.  Give yourself a leg up on the competition and make sure your kitchen is tidy, clean, and organized.  The kitchen truly is the heart of the home and it may simply not be enough to to have it clean or tidy.

As you know, when potential buyers are going through your home they are peeking in on the very spaces that we commonly like to hide behind a closed door.  Take your pantry for instance.  Upon inspection, are items crammed into place stacked one on top of the other all willy-nilly?  At first glance this could suggest that there is not very much room in the panrty.  On a deeper level, if it is really cluttered, people may extrapolate that since it is so messy the rest of the home may not be well cared for.  As a seller, you obviously do not want to communicate this to a would be buyer.

Here are some ways to clean up the mess and make it look good.  First, pull everything out of your pantry.  If you find items that are past expiration go ahead and toss need the space and you don't want to get sick.  If there are some items that you know you will not eat but have not expired, set them aside to donate to a nearby food shelf.  Next, group items together in a way that makes sense to you.  For instance, canned foods can be put together and even subdivided into things like prepared foods such as soups,  to canned veggies and beans, to sauces etc.  When placing these back on the shelves make sure they are turned so the  lable points outwards.  It is a small detail that makes a big impact.  Perhaps you would like to keep boxed foods together?  Keep pastas together? A cereal spot?  Have a cookie/ cracker shelf?  Get a nice basket for items like  potatoes and onions?

Do this for your fridge, too.  Consider keeping it fresh by keeping a box of baking soda on in there to absorb any odors.  Not everyone looks in your fridge but if they do it is nice to be prepared.

There is no right way or wrong way to organize,  In the end, it should make sense to you and how you live.  Ultimately, it just needs to look organized and clean.  Your pantry will look bigger, you will be able to find what you need more easily, and people will be impressed and assume that if your pantry looks this great you must take great care of your home.

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